

List gothic metal Indonesia

Armo, Adjal, Adullouis angel, Alaika, Altacius, Afterlife, Amatory, Amerta, Amnesties, Andromeda, Angel of goth, Antasena, Anueta, Antagonis from hell, Aragons, Area, Archangel of tremendous, Arevhutus, Armistis, Astana, Asteroid, Almond pheuz, Athena, Aura nine, Aura to heart
Autumn lies, Angelius, Armistis, Armored, Attila, Aorta, Angel athena, Aztec13

Ballastic, Bandoso, Batu nisan, Barzah, Bethorokolo, Bilqish, Black colony, Black ghost and the black list, Black holic, Black natural, Blessing of blood, Blessing prayer, Blodwen, Bloody romance, Bloody symphony, Brhobosan, Bee, Bulan purnama

Cahaya putih, Cairo, Camboja, Caldera, Castle gothic, Cathemy, Ceteria, Chelemendez, Chemistry, Cleopatra ID, Cloudy, Crystal dream, Cry of blood, Cultural, Casper, Candle light

Dhanyank, Damarwulan, Darkness seed, Dark mistis, Dark vortex, Day of atonement, De roaster, Dead monster, Dead occulta, Death harmony, Decade of ruhani, Demonicra, Dilema, Dramatical misery, Dramatis, Dream hysteri, Dreamer, Drosophila, Dyfectus amadeous, Dying butterfly, D'lonix

Eclipse harmony, Edel, Elegy, Elmeod, Embroil, Envious, Episode 666, Eternal darkness

Factorial, Fadhalius, Fanasia, Fatallity of soul, Fatamorgana, Ferocite, Flag of hate, Flor eternidad, Forgive me after, Fortuna, Fragment of
euthanasia, Freedom of goth

Gabrielle, Gangster romance, Ganjil, Garis putih, Geboren, Gelap, Getah sewo, Ghostycall, Gibraltar, Gladness, Gloryous angel, Gog magog, Gondho mayit, Gothicnia, Grave story, Grievious, Gulain

Hinis, Human drama, Heaven light, Hargoth, Harum bunga, Histerya, Hellzigurath, Heulen anzell, Holy guardian angel, Hukum karma

Immortality, Imperial, In loving memmory, Innerbeauty, Istinia

Jabal maut, Jaddah, Jelata, Jenazah hitam, Jenue et aqualesa, Jerat, J.Y.T 666

Kamar mayat, Kamboja hitam, Kantil kuning, Kedaton, Kedjawen, Kelam, Keltziva, Kembang kuburan, Kembang menyan, Kerangkeng hitam, Khianat, Korek api, Kudalini

Larasati, Lareine, Last majesty, Last memory, Leaving stories, Legenda mayang kurti, Lembah pangapuro, Lentera khaismitail, Lentera of gothic, Lentera surga, Life after death, lelembut

Mahatma, Mahapralaya, Majestic empire, Majlis taklim, Malaka maut, Malice, Manial darkness, Marsetish, Matang puluh, Memedi, Midnight, Milagrosh, Minor of majority, Misteri, Moksa, Metabolix, Monalisa, Moses bandwidth, Mootean sakral, Mournia diva, Mulih ka kubur, Mysticall, Mystical for majesty

Narnia, Nation soul, Nektar, Nganamate, Nevhania shamara, Nicronomodez, Night opera, Nocternity, Nocturnea

Opus symphonia, Ottar, Ozora

Padung hitam, Pain field, Pancasona, Past the line, Pelangi telaga sunyi, Pesanggrahan sakral, Poseidon, Predatorious, Pulasara, Pusara

Rafflesia and the Theatrical symphonies, Raflessia arnoldi, Red flowers, Religius, Restless, Rezim kalimusyada, Ritual for majesty, Ritual of satan, Romanticx, Rojopati

Sadie, Sumpah abadi, Sacral ceremony, Sakral, Sahala, Sandekala, Sinture, Scream of silence, Sekar jagad, Semesta, Senja, Senopati, Sanguine goth, Shabit, Shadow of sadness, Shudder to death, Senyawa mesin, Sekar pati, Seroja, Silluet, Symphony of Elegy, Suntix mati, Sorban hitam, Soul of dead, Soul revolution, Suku qlawu, Sound of angel, Suropati, Sweet children, Symbol

Tabur bunga, Tegal mati, Telepati, Telluh 666, Terrible symphonic, The dark system, The laknat, The realistic, Tali ari, Titisan hitam, Tirani, Tireisias, Total tragedy, Tragedy bogota, Tragedy dunia hitam, Tragical mourning, Tumbal pusara, Tyrakat, Tyranty, Tyranichal symphony, Two ice queen, The sickness of virulense

Useen darkness, Unheard, Unread lips, Utusan suci

Vaksinasi, Valentsick, Valhalla, Victorian, Visigoth memories

Wings of angel

Zabakuat, Zaraph of distortion, Zeus, Zharatan

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